Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022 was celebrated in Scoil Fhursa. Lots of fun activities were organised in the school by Ms. Sloane. The children participated in a Tráth na gCéist. They wore Green clothes to school for Lá Glas and the Sixth Class children organised a playground disco and danced to lots of popular Irish tunes by TG Lurgan. All classes participated in a Ceolchoirm in Geraldine’s Hall. There were amazing performances by all classes which varied from songs, poetry and dance. This was a great celebration as it was the first time that the whole school came together since the beginning of the Covid Pandemic. Well done to everyone involved. Bain sult as Lá le Pádraig!
Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022
- Post author:JM
- Post published:23 March 2022
- Post category:Other Activities