Féileacáin have had a wonderful 6 weeks horse riding at Oak Tree stables. Thank you so much to the staff and volunteers who make this weekly trip so enjoyable for the children.
Active School Week
We had great fun this week for Active School Week (20th – 24th June). We engaged with the following activities throughout the week:
PAWS Water Safety Program
Sports Day
Gaelic Training
Dance Workshop with Ms. Duffy
Pupils vs. Teachers Penalty Shootout
School Soccer Yard League
Active Breaks
The Daily Mile
Wellbeing Week 2022
The children from Saint Fursey’s N.S were treated to three days of great fun to promote Wellbeing Week in the school. This was organised by the 6th class Wellbeing committee with the help of Ms. Mc Guinness. The week was split into the following days:
Wellbeing Wednesday – The children in each class chatted about Wellbeing and the activities that we can do to promote our Mental Health and Wellbeing. The sixth class children organised a colouring competition for this day where all classes in the school were invited to complete a “Selfie Colouring Page”. The children were encouraged to illustrate pictures of themselves involved in activities that they enjoy. Winners of this competition will be announced in the coming days!
Thoughtful Thursday – All children were encouraged to participate in meditation and minfulness activities during this day. Some classes listened to mindfulness podcasts while others engaged in guided meditation and engaged in some relaxing mindfulness colouring activities.
Fitness Friday – All children in the school were encouraged to participate in additional PE lesson today. The children from 6th class organised a Yard disco for lunchtime. The whole school were also treated to a game of Teachers Versus 6th class Rounders. This was an enjoyable afternoon. The teachers defeated 6th class by one point!!!
This week of activities was a culmination of work that has been completed in the school throughout the year to promote Mental Health and Wellbeing. The school were awarded their 3rd Amber Flag from Pieta House which acknowledges this effort. Well done to all involved on meeting the targets for this year!
Physical Education
The Physical Education curriculum allows for an hour of physical activity each week for each class. We engage with all curriculum areas each year: Athletics; Dance; Gymnastics; Games; Outdoor and Adventure Activities; and Aquatics. At St. Fursey’s all pupils are provided with 60 minutes of PE each week. Our PE programme allocated a balanced amount of teaching time to each of the different PE strands.Our PE equipment and resources are clearly labelled, well organised and easily accessible for both teachers and playground leaders. In the school calendar year 2019/2020 all teachers, parents and pupils were surveyed as a means of evaluating physical education within St. Fursey’s. Using this information our school PE plan was restructured and a focus was put on developing the fundamental movement skills while engaging with all strands of the PE curriculum. Our aim is to develop all of these skills as the pupils progress through St. Fursey’s N.S.
This year our teachers engaged with a PDST facilitator to focus on developing our lessons in relation to gymnastics.
Our school also teaches the Land PAWS water safety programme to all classes each year.
Playground Stencils
The Playground Stencils Programme is an initiative by the Louth Local Community Development programme,
working in conjunction with Sport Ireland and the Louth Local Sports Partnership.
The rationale behind the initiative is so increase the overall physical activity levels of all primary school children,
physical activity is central to a person’s physical, psychological, emotional and social health. It should be seen as
part of every child’s daily lifestyle.
It is hoped that this initiative will encourage children to take part in active games that can help them develop good
habits which will prove invaluable throughout their lives.
The playground games are aimed at both group and individual participation. The activities are ideal for games and
for informal play which research shows will
(a) encourage play
(b) prevent accidents and bullying
(c) provide children with structured games.
The Playground stencils were sourced this year from the Local Sports Partnership and painted on our school yard. The results were fantastic!
The Daily Mile
The Daily Mile is a social physical activity, with children running or jogging – at their own pace – in the fresh air with friends. The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children – regardless of age, ability or personal circumstances. This year the whole school undertook the challenge of the daily mile over a six week period starting in September 2019.
St. Fursey’s School Slí na Sláinte
In partnership with the Irish Heart Foundation St. Fursey’s are delighted to launch our very own Slí na Sláinte. It contains four walks (loops) of different length that are suitable for different classes. The Slí na Slainte is a health promotion initiative of the Irish Heart Foundation aimed at encouraging people to walk on a regular basis. Our pupils are getting great use out of it.
St. Fursey’s school acknowledges physical activity both inside and outside of school hours. We are very proud of all our school teams and also all those pupils who have made the Well Done Wall in our school for their achievements outside of the school.
Our Active School Flag Committee
Our ASF Committee 2019/2020 is led by Mr O Donoghue and is made up of teachers and students. We have brilliant students that were elected from third class to sixth who represent the whole school.
Active School Slogan
Our first job was to have a poster competition in the school to come up with an Active School Flag Slogan that we would have for our whole school to remember and follow for the year. We had a brilliant response with lots of entries and we had some really catchy mottos.
Congratulations to our overall winner Ava from 5th Class who came up with such an outstanding slogan and a beautifully designed poster. Ava’s slogan is :
Active School Week/Active Home Week
Unfortunately due to Covid-19 restrictions we were unable to carry out Active School Week. Instead we gave our pupils and parents the option of carrying out their own Active Home Week Challenge. The aim of this challenge was to keep the children active at home, take on new challenges and have fun with family activities. The children had to find four different ways of being active for 60 minutes each day. We are delighted to say that we got a wonderful response throughout the school. Here are some examples of the challenges that were undertaken.
What is the Active School Flag?
The Active School Flag is a Department of Education and Skills initiative supported by Healthy Ireland. The Active School Flag is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often. Our challenge will be to find interesting and exciting ways to energize the school day because active children are happy learners!
Please keep an eye on the website for updates on how we have been getting active in school! Also, we know that parents have some brilliant ideas on how we could increase physical activity levels of our children. There will be a suggestion box located at the main office in the school soon if you would like to share your ideas with us or else contact Mr O Donoghue.
Active School Flag Information
St. Fursey’s N.S. are delighted to announce that we have received our first Active School Flag!