6th Class Easter Term

The boys and girls in 6th class have been very busy in the lead up to the Easter Holidays.

They covered a theme of work based on Artists through history.  In English they explored the work of Frida Kahlo, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Monet, Picasso, Salvador Dahli and Bridget Riley. The children wrote a report on Johannes Vermeer in Writer’s Workshop. In SESE they completed a History project on the Renaissance and studied the Work of Michelangelo and Leonard Da Vinci. In Art they created beautiful recreations depicting the famous quotes of Frida Kahlo.

Finally, before finishing up for the Easter holidays the 6th class completed an SESE project on Irish History exploring “The 1916 Rising”, “Irish Language – Decline and Revival” and the work of “Daniel O Connell”.

Enjoy looking through some photographs displaying some of the work that they completed.