St. Fursey’s N.S has received many awards in the last number of years.
Amber Flag Initiative – The is a project to promote the mental health and wellbeing of the children and staff in our school. The initiative aims to encourage schools, colleges, clubs and societies to promote and actively bring about a culture change in the promotion of Positive Mental Health within the Education System and other organisations.
Green Schools Initiative – This project aims to make environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of the life and ethos of a school. Green-Schools endeavours to extend learning beyond the classroom and develop responsible attitudes and commitment, both at home and in the wider community. St. Fursey’s National School has been involved in this initiative for many years now and continues to support its aims.
Digital School of Distinction – This is a flagship programme which aims to promote, recognise and encourage excellence in the use of technology in primary school. The award is accredited by the Department of Education and Skills.
SFI Plaque of STEM – The aim of the SFI Discover Programme is to support projects that address one or more of the following objectives: Stimulate and create debate and dialogue amongst the public, and opportunities for dialogue with STEM experts, on topics of societal importance where STEM has a key role.
Active School Flag – The ASF initiative provides schools with a framework to guide, support and incentivise them to work towards achieving a physically educated and physically active school community.